Intensive hunting,es

While it raised me to write something about what I think of hunting in the XXI century, in fact decant my position on the matter. It started to itch again following an encounter with a neighbor in the field.

A few days ago I went for a morning walk around to a bank nearby my house, I went with the camera of course. I found the bottom of the road leading, a car arrived and blocked the way, I turned to him and came out a man who asked me where I was going, greet him and told him “taking pictures of “pajaritos” as they say around here, He told me that if I wanted to see some big as hens he knew an olive grove near, I told that guy, He said not well. I started to tell, partridge, I lapwing and I happened to say bustards, said that. And said “what happens is that the owner of the farm will strip everything that flies, and then I said indignantly, not sure, but throw me, “hunt bustards has prison is crime, They are protected, we should denounce” and he said impassively, “I have to report that environmentalists”, I leave ice cream, but I said, now I'll take some pictures but when I go home I call SEPRONA, and so I did.

I do not share input that is a sport hunt or fish, in some cases without death (I would add deathless but with torture)

For me sport is compitiendo.¿disfrutar enjoy killing or mistreating animals?Who else do you earn kills or mistreat animals?

Hunting and fishing should be an act of survival, in fact so it began, and in some parts of the world still they are for many people.

It is also responsibility and consistency that are against hunting for sport, not contribute to it consuming game meat.

I will not delve into own reasoning, I will then link with arguments based on recent contrast studies. that if, an interesting step is to leave the gun and take the camera, for the sake of the planet's biodiversity.

Intensive hunting increasingly attentive to biodiversity and animal welfare

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