Un paseo relámpago por los limites del Parque Nacional de Doñana

Busardo ratonero al borde del camino.

Busardo ratonero al borde del camino. (Buteo buteo)

Hacia tiempo que quería acercarme algo mas al interior del parque Nacional de Doñana, la autentica “almendra” de toda la zona de influencia a su alrededor, with different categorizations of protection have been added to this. Podéis ver su historia pulsando aquí.

Of course the visit, only hard 3 hours in the park, It has been what is called “Doñana Visits”, particularly to the north of the park, reaching the visitor center Jose Antonio Valverde through the Brazo de la Torre-Travieso return to the same place.

From the center of Seville is about an hour, si el trafico de salida de la ciudad lo permite. El parque tiene su mayor extensión en la provincia de Huelva, una parte importante en las marismas del Guadalquivir en Sevilla y una pequeña zona en la desembocadura del mismo río en Cádiz.

Una vez se sale de la metrópoli sevillana en dirección a Coria del Río y pasado Puebla del Río, nos empezamos a sumergir visualmente en una visión donde la naturaleza toma protagonismo, el estuario del río grande (significado de la traducción del árabe), del Guadalquivir. A un lado las marismas y arrozales infinitos, al otro se suceden zonas de bosquetes y monte bajo adehesado. A la izquierda siempre nos acompañara las marismas, a la derecha pasamos algunas urbanizaciones, as well The Glen Bird (gran referente de la conservación de las aves), then we must follow the signs to go towards the Dehesa de Abajo a paradise located in the park boundaries and concerted nature reserve, must. Llegados a esta altura no es de extrañar que ya nos haya llamado la atención la visión de rapaces, wading, waders or storks on the very edges of the road-road. Of note with sadness that the marsh is currently pretty dry, low minimum, mainly because of the continued shortage of rain in time.


DEBEMOS ir despacio con el coche por muchas causas, debemos ir despacio por la protección de la fauna, por nuestra seguridad, para disfrutar de la visión y porque esta prohibido circular a mas de 20 Km/h (debería ser aún menor la velocidad). Entramos en el brazo de la Torre y nos podemos encontrar por ejemplo estos preciosos ejemplares.

  • Cranes on the edge of the road, Grus grus

    Cranes on the edge of the road, Grus grus

  • Busardo ratonero al borde del camino

    Busardo ratonero al borde del camino

  • Heron by the roadside, ardea cinnerea.

    Heron by the roadside, ardea cinnerea.

  • Wayside kestrel, falco tinnunculus

    Wayside kestrel, falco tinnunculus

  • Wayside magpie, pica pica

    Wayside magpie, pica pica

The road is at all times by the park boundaries, the entrance is only performed with scheduled visits and concerted, for the sake of the park itself.

After crossing the Brazo de la Torre, signaling indicates the start of the national park and a visit to the visitor center Jose Antonio Valverde, located in the limits of the lagoon called Lucio del Lobo. The road is becoming more tortuous because of the quality of the firm, but the speed and traffic almost zero in many kilometers I may even shoot from the car itself, that if with caution and without endangering or wildlife or myself, Of course.

Arrive at the visitor center just when open to the public (10 h) and although it was very cold and windy I could delight in the sight of the lagoon and make some pictures.

  • Morito in the Lucio del Lobo among teals, (Glossy Ibis)

    Morito in the Lucio del Lobo among teals, (Glossy Ibis)

  • Crested Coot in the Lucio del Lobo, (Fulica cristata)

    Crested Coot in the Lucio del Lobo, (Fulica cristata)

  • Flamenco in the Lucio del Lobo, (Phoenicopterus roseus)

    Flamenco in the Lucio del Lobo, (Phoenicopterus roseus)

  • Stilt Lucio del Lobo, (Himantopus himantopus)

    Stilt Lucio del Lobo, (Himantopus himantopus)

Once the visitor center Jose Antonio Valverde located in the lagoon Lucio del Lobo, I could be an hour, as he had to return to Seville to be at the end of morning and did not want to hurry, the way back I did rather slow and it was there where I did most photos. A beautiful copy of busardo accompanied me most of the way from pole to pole.

A quick trip to one of the jewels of biodiversity in the European continent.

  • Buzzard roadside Stalking

    Buzzard roadside Stalking

  • Buzzard in the post looking back

    Buzzard in the post looking back

  • Buzzard in the post

    Buzzard in the post

  • Buzzard on the road

    Buzzard on the road