fronteras naturales y fronteras mentales

  • storks organizing themselves for the jump

    storks organizing themselves for the jump

  •  storks preparing for the jump

    storks preparing for the jump

  • cigüeñas dando "el salto" al otro lado del estrecho.

    storks giving "el salto" al otro lado del estrecho.

Hace 6 años escribí un post en mi antiguo blog coincidiendo con dos circunstancias importantes para mi, una buena y otra mala. Primero contare la buena, I first attended one of the first-order biological events that happen every year on the planet, migration of birds in the Strait of Gibraltar. The bad news was that news of dozens of deaths happened in successive landings of migrants in the Strait.

The treatment of the so-called first world countries are giving refugees coming to Europe, I take the colors of shame mixed with disgust that gives me the resurgence of xenophobia fueled by the crisis. Memory is selective and we no longer remember our fellow human beings who once had to migrate for similar reasons. War, the big business of death, fueled by unscrupulous leaders and monopolies. The story will put in place.

This has pushed me to rescue this reflection shaped post.

I was fortunate to attend with friends, last September about the shows, and lessons, that nature offers us regularly. We moved to a privileged site of observation of nature of our planet, the Strait of Gibraltar. In it happen periodically every year, at least twice, the passage of millions of living beings from one side to another of the natural boundary of said narrow. This happens because the biological inertness of the survival instinct of living things, in the case of birds which I show some images that have been fortunate to capture. Get togheter, to cross together across, beings that are coming from different parts of the continent due to temporarily seek a livelihood more favorable for them.

  • fronteras naturales y fronteras mentales

Crossing thousands of kilometers looking finally after a better world for them. This is a case of natural border overcome by the survival instinct of living things.
Nevertheless, still today, humans in general, and governments in particular we are plagued by mental border with respect to the right that living beings have to find a better and more just world. Precisely in this geographical site is called the Strait of Gibraltar, biological sample lesson, humans have raised one of the cruelest mental borders of the planet, a wall tissue by the senselessness of political and financial interests. On either side of this natural barrier problems for humans to seek a way of living they are not minor, but are especially severe for those from the southern hemisphere. In the south, puppet governments, hungry, war and plundering of natural resources are directed from the financial-political framework of the Northern Hemisphere. In the north, for this group of humans, the network is woven with mafias, exploitation, immigration detention , violation of civil rights and retrograde laws.

While capital, products and raw materials flow from one place to another of the globe without problem, we do not want to understand the biological law that all living beings have to seek a better way of life.

transporte de mercancias

Freight transport by the Strait of Gibraltar